Monday, August 24, 2009
Since last November, the world as I know it has changed changed changed, and I think I am finally...officially....BACK. Although, the next few days and weeks will be the judge of that. :) So, gone is Changed by His Love and I can now be found at MOM IN THE FISHBOWL!
Mom in the Fishbowl has all the same content that Changed By His Love is known for...funny stories, pictures galore, and life in the ministry! Please changed your URL's and bookmark Mom in the Fishbowl at!!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Road Trip
Up close and personal....
One of several cool things...according to Boo. This is the feed machine. They mix the feed up for the cows and then place it on this machine which drops it into all of the troughs for the cows to eat it...pretty neat, huh? He totally had to figure out how it all worked.
Boo driving the tractor with Jason...the second highlight of his day most likely
Last but not least...the mommies...
May the Lord bless you today!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Day
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
First Cereals...
Really soupy rice cereal...
Mmmm...yummy!! He likes holding on to the bowl!
Good stuff!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Family Visit...
Nana and Papa with just a handful of grandkids...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I was thinking about distance and the old addage that the distance between two points is a straight line, and although on paper that might be true, it isn't always the case in real life. I often imagine the image of a path God is leading us on and the twists and turns it takes to get to the destination...I must admit I don't always like the twists and turns, but if I keep pressing on, moving forward, the destination is coming. I think I know what the destination is going to look like, but it sometimes turns out to be something completely different. Am I okay with that? Depends...depends where my eyesight is. Am I focused on the destination or the Deliverer who go us to the destination? Am I only focused on getting there or the road that leads up to getting there??? Come on, admit it, no one likes the twists, the turns, the bumps, but isn't that part of getting to the destination? What if we changed our focus and learned to ride through the obstacles? Whether together or by yourself, you have to come to a point at some time where you choose to kick and scream and pout at the obstacles or embrace it. I am not saying your shouldn't sometimes question the obstacles...for instance, I received an email this morning from a friend of mine who is stuck in a destination that she doesn't want to be at, physically. She would prefer to be closer to home, to family, but God moved them some years ago and has proceeded not to move them back just yet. I, personally, think she has done her time and have pleaded to God to grant their hearts desires to return closer to home. With that being said, God may not be finished with them in that place yet...she knows that, she is wise beyond her years, but it's still hard to swallow.
So, in light of all that, I have been pondering my own response while on this journey to the bumps, bruises, twists and turns of life...I need to be better about it, my husband needs to be better at it, we, as a couple, need to be better about it. It's a long journey, and the ultimate destination with the Lord is better than any small destination of church or city or anything else.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Latest Video...
I so enjoy making videos of the boys...this latest one shows Peanut's personality so much!!!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Peanut's many faces...
This outfit was Boo's and it has little baseballs on it and it says play's so cute...well, Peanut was having none of it at that moment. He eventually got over it and smiled, but I couldn't help catching his "not so smily" moment. :) He's still cuteness.
We are adjusting to life as a family of's different and difficult at times, and at other times it seems so easy. I don't take those easy times for granted at all. I said in the beginning that I don't know how people ever have a third...but I could see how that accident or by divine intervention. :) ha!