Countdown is on till Baby Greer arrives!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Feeling Accomplished...
Monday, June 23, 2008
More things off the list...CHECK CHECK
So, on to the's short (about 28 seconds or so...) of "Dash and his Dash legs" (see the Incredibles) This is him going under and then kicking back with one of his coaches.
Here are some shots of them floating with lifevests...they linked all the kids together and made a "train", it was priceless. He was first, so he floated the longest. :)
Here's a close-up...
Waiting to jump in to the water...he's in the middle, if you can't tell...
The next thing we crossed off the list was a dental appt. Thanks to GRANDMA, Boo got his teeth examined and cleaned...and I did too before baby arrives! Here is Boo enjoying his time at Grandma's office...
It was so funny because I had my camera and I was in another room getting my teeth cleaned when my mom ran in to grab it and take pictures...everyone said he was so good...must have been a good day to go.
And gracious, last but certainly not is my little his FAVORITE NEW hat. He calls it his lucky hat and was disappointed to see that his father had taken it on Thursday and wore it while playing G-O-L-F. ENJOY!!! Ladies and Gentleman, I now introduce you to the next big golf player...
That's PING baby...I gotta say, the boy loves him some PING. He got the hat when we went to a demo day near the house and he and his daddy swung PING's for about an hour.
Backwards is just as cute, don't you think??
And lastly...Homey G.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day Tribute
I got Jeremy something pretty was what he has been wanting and I was glad to purchase it for him. Boo was equally happy too...
We both got to talk to our own dads via phone and they both sounded like they were enjoying their day as well.
Here are a few pictures of our evening of goofy-ness and a shot at Boo's new haircut...voila.
Aren't my boys cute???
And here they are full of silliness...
Momma and her big boy...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
First, it was the first one I did at our church...I have worked full time the past two VBS's, so I was not able to take off a whole week for it.
Secondly, I did crafts...I gotta say, Crafts is where it's at! My big mouth got me to be the mouthpiece of the group, but I don't mind that at all. The crafts were great and watching 3rd and 4th struggle through a bookmark and making a gecko would drive anyone to some insanity, but none the less, it was funny! :)
Third, Boo was in a huge class of 3 year olds (they group you by class you just completed) so all of his friends were in there and he had a blast. He picked up on the songs and knew all of the motions by the week's was incredible!
I was asked to talk with one girl on Thursday who had some questions about God and getting to heaven and it was purely my joy to point her in the right direction. After talking she prayed to receive Christ and I don't know who was more excited - her or me!
Here are some pictures...Jeremy prayed before we took up the last offering...Boo had to join him!
In him-