Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blogging Chicks Carnival - Love of Blogging

    My love of blogging was more like a fascination at first. Jeremy had recently took the job at the church in Duluth, and in the Sunday School class that I was sitting in on, a few of the people there had them. I started reading them and thought, I can so do this! I waited and waited and then two friends in Texas started theirs, and I thought, okay, it's time! I started out with a basic template and then, as my interest grew more, I found someone to create a template that went along with the person I am and striving to be. There are hundreds of things that I love about blogging, so I will try to keep my list short. :)
    I love writing! I have always loved writing, since I was in high school. I think using your imagination and telling stories is a beautiful way to express yourself. As I grew more and became a follower of Christ, my love of writing turned into a gift from Him. I could write for hours about the Lord and all He was teaching me. I could write my prayers out and be open and honest about my time with Him. I used a journal when on my mission trip overseas. I used a journal when I was pregnant with the Boo Bear. I use one now! I really love writing. I wanted to be able to share some of my thoughts on my blog of the day to day life I have. A lot of my family is not close by, so it gives them a great glimpse into our life.
    Meeting other believers! That has been the most incredible experience. I have met so many Christians and I am enjoying reading what the Lord is doing in their lives and how He is drawing His people closer to Himself! There is nothing greater than sharing His Love with others.
    Keeping in touch with friends from afar! We have long distance friends all over and it's a joy to see their children grow up by the pictures on their blogs! Technology has come so far and even my dad enjoys reading my blog to see what's going on, and more importantly the pictures of the Boo Bear. Which, by the way, I need to put some new ones up! Tonight...I promise! :)
    Meeting other working moms! I was a stay at home mom for 20 months and then went to work, so it's been another joy to meet other working moms and spur them on in their daily lives. I would have never thought the Lord would use that, but He has surprised me again and given me an opportunity to share there.
    TTLB - Where else in the world can you say it's good to be a LARGE MAMMAL!!! I am a Large Mammal!! WOO HOO! I still look decent in a bathing suit...well, actually, I'll be the judge of that this weekend.
    I could think of many more, but those are like my top ones. I have been touched by many lives on here...this list only names a few...Lauren, Christian Women Online, Paula, Nicole...and so many more!
    And, that's why I love blogging!
    In Love-

    1 comment:

    Pamela said...

    I feel like blogging is addicitve.
    Some of my family has started reading mine - so many miles separate. But, just a double click gets us together.

    here from the BC carnival