Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Apologies #2

As I was writing yesterday, it came to me that the second part of an apology is the forgiving part. As I was thinking about writing about that, I came across Paula's post regarding the issue of forgiveness. It was nice to read what she had to say and the comments too.
I think forgiveness is not in our nature, since we are human, but as followers of Christ, we certainly should show the same forgiveness as Christ showed us. Now, that is very tough for some people...I mean, how would you tell your molested child to forgive their predator? How do you tell your friend to forgive her cheating husband or visa versa...
Those are tough issues and I am not down-playing those issues in any way. Forgiveness must include truth. If I forgive, I am telling the Lord, not just that person that I truly forgive them...all that they have said or done, all that followed after that - the hurt feelings, the gossip, the back-biting, etc.
One of the comments on Paula's blog was about forgiveness and reconciliation. I think the reconciliation part is the best outcome, but isn't always possible. Sometimes the person has died, and I have seen in many cases (that I know of) pastors will ask you to sit in front of an empty chair and talk to it as if you were talking to that person. I think that's a great way to get those emotions out. It does depend a lot of the situation and the relationship you have with that person.
Only Christ can give the strength and attitude to forgive. If I dare think for a second that I, in my own strength and power, can truly forgive, I am fooling myself and denying who He is. The Lord is the maker of forgiveness and reconciliation and repentance...not to mention that maker of our hearts. When you trust in Him, you will find the true Love you have been searching for.

In His Hands-

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job explaining apologies, forgiveness, reconciliation and repentence. I would just like to add that if another does you wrong and you see no apology, reconciliation or repentence from that person then we on our part should pray that God will convict the person of their wrong doing and pray for them to be restored. Then they will repent, apologize and ask forgiveness with a clean heart. We must continually ask ourselves have we done the same to others by asking God to point it out to us if we have done so. We may not like what God brings into our rememberance but it is for our best so we too may repent and make things right with the person we have hurt.