Monday, April 24, 2006

Funny of the Day

We are doing the usual Monday morning drive in to school and work and David is in the backseat reading and counting. He can count to 10 (yippie!) and he knows 11 and 12, so I help him count to 20. It apparently was so exciting that one of the books he was holding hit the door and fell to the floor of the car, in which he exclaimed, "OOOOH, Busted it!" WHAT? exclaims Mommy. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I called Jeremy and could barely get the words out because my giggles and tears were getting in the way of talking. It was a sight.
I think he got it from watching too much ESPN. I think one of the announcers said that the other night during a baseball game. Ahhh...none the less, that was my funny of the day. I doubt much will top that.
3 more days till David's birthday!!

Have a great day with the Lord!

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