Friday, July 28, 2006

Our Anniversary!

Today, at approximately 2:45 PM, Jeremy and I celebrate 5 years of being married. I presume that 2:45 was about the time we were announced husband and wife...although I may be a few minutes off. hee hee Our day was incredible and I don't even want to imagine spending my days serving the Lord with anyone else by my side. It has been a journey and I look forward to many more adventures on this journey. I love you, Jeremy.
We are planning our celebration for tomorrow night, since Grandma will be taking care of the boo bear at her house. Overnight. YIPPIE! This is what Grandma's are made for. I had pondered on my Thursday Thirteen three weeks ago of whether to buy my husband a gift. I have opted to purchase him something, and at this time have not done that. I have been taking care of boo, who has been sick, and now I am sick, so it just really hasn't gone as well as I had hoped in regards to the gift. I know he got me something. I have an idea of what it might be, although, he likes to surprise, so I am trying not to get it in my head of what it might be. I will let you know later. :)
Jeremy is coming to have lunch with me today and hopefully he will want Mexican. I sure do!
My dad called me yesterday to say Happy Anniversary, since he must have read my blog post from yesterday! :) I thought it was funny and cute that he called, even if it was a day early. He reads my BLOG! He's probably my biggest fan and most avid reader. He finds this is a good way to know about what's going on in my life, day to day basically, although he did get a little upset that he read about my ambulance incident from here. oops. We live too far apart. Maybe the Lord will lead us to Florida, dad. :) Although, I would still be blogging by then, so he would still have to read it. ha!

Well, avid fans, you are in for the month of your life next month! August is BIRTHDAY MONTH! And, if you have just only started reading this blog, you will find out quickly that I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!!!! Particularly my OWN! So, on August 1st, tune in for BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day in our Lord!


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Josh said...

Congratulations on your anniversary... God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Happy late Anniversary!!!